Lauren Hanano



Practice DOM manipulation by dynamically rendering a restaurant homepage.


Created a mock restaurant and designed all branding and textual content. This visually stunning restaurant website is meant to be scrolled through as it lifts the veil, drawing the user into the hidden oasis of the restaurant.



This is a restaurant where you go not just for the food, but also for the experience. How can we convey the atmosphere to the user?
How can we capture an audience of both young and old? The restaurant’s food must be simple and authentic but served in a modern setting. The high contrast of colors and parallax scrolling indicate a fresh take on a traditional culture. The menu is brief, indicating that the cuisines is of quality and the ingredients are fresh.

Visual Design

Tools Used

Web Development was made on Visual Studio Code with Vanilla JavaScript, HTML + CSS, and Webpack.  Project was saved on Git and hosted on GitHub.

Next Steps

Create a additional pages for photos of the food, history of restaurant, and bio of chefs. Expand features to add reservations. Adjust responsiveness of website for mobile viewing with media queries. Add an arrow icon to suggest that user should scroll down.