Lauren Hanano

My Bookshelf


Create a library app with a customizable list of books.


Many people are excited to show off their diverse bookcases at home. However, with the rise of e-books, readers find it difficult to keep a collection of books read. Now with a virtual bookshelf, users can display their books in a useful and enjoyable way.

My Bookshelf has features to input new books, change the “read” status and delete books. High color contrast, overlapping layers and interactive text + graphics creates an enjoyable experience for a young adult – middle aged audience.



Questions that I explored while testing different designs:

What is the most important information to display on the book cover without making it too busy?
What is the best way to display the “read” status? 
What is the most accessible way to add a new book?

Visual Design

Tools Used

Wireframes were made on Google Drawings. Web Development was made on Visual Studio Code with Vanilla JavaScript, HTML + CSS.  Project was saved on Git and hosted on GitHub.

Next Steps

Expand features for users to add more details about books, including personal notes and ratings. Allow users to customize color themes to make their bookshelf unique to them. I developed it as a website, but this interface would also work great as an iPad app.